
Where do I park my car when I go on a cruise?

Last updated on July 11th, 2023 at 09:50 am

Depending on which cruise port you are departing from, there are often a few different options for parking while you are on your cruise. There are cruise line parking lots, private parking lots and hotels that offer cruise parking. 

On-site parking at the cruise port

In the United States and Canada, on-site parking is readily available at each cruise port, right at the cruise terminal. These lots are the most convenient but are often the most expensive. Check with the cruise port (not the cruise line) to see how much parking at the port costs. 

parking lot with cars

Off-site parking

Many busier port cities have private companies which offer long-term parking at a cheaper rate but at a further distance from the cruise terminal. The upside is cost savings, but the downside is often waiting for a shuttle that has to go and drop others off before coming back to get you.

Hotel parking lots

Another type of off-site parking is at hotels that offer long-term parking, usually part of some sort of “park and cruise” package.


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